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Brick_boss Mandalore Playset

Regular price €40,00

Parts: 4627

Aproximate Parts Cost: 750-1000 Eur.

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The ultimate Mandalore playset!! With over 4600 pieces this Moc has become the ultimate Mandalore playset! It have interior, functional doors, over 4 diferent rooms and the prision bloock, a landing platform and 3 diferent levels to recreate the Mnadalore siege in Lego form!
This Moc is the Main built of the mandalore colection! It’s done in 3 diferent parts/ moduls, the landing zone, the Main city, and the prision block!!

The playset have 3 interior rooms, armory, comunications room and the throne room, it have the tunnels and the prision block too!! All dolors are funcional.
The Moc it’s a Modular built separed on 3 different moduls.

Brick_boss Mandalore Playset
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